BRA Riders

They are barmy but friendly, young or virtually senile but as a bunch of racers they are the best bunch you could ever hope to meet

Here is a selection of some of the blokes that you might encounter at a BRA race meeting

Farmboy - This lad spent a fair amount of time on the grass but he just keeps on getting quicker and quicker

T Bone - T Bone is a racer's racer. Riding a Team Mad Dog Honda he just keeps on going

Micaldo Combriani - Old but not senile, quick but not fast, consistency gets him and The Dogs gooooood points

The Phantom - A pathological bike builder, this chap can't help himself building ever faster machinery

Ex El Pres - The machine might look like shit but it goes and goes and goes

Pomstar - Been around a long time, doesn't spend too much dough on the bike but rides the tyres off the thing

Chuckademus - Ex commando, trained to fear no fear. Chucky can turn in a quick lap on the day

Nitram - might be a legal beagle but is absolutely sure of his innocence when jostling for position at the first turn

Mad Max - He's been at it a long time, a seasoned campaigner with an eye for a trophy

Brother 1 - Hard and fast - say no more

Brother 2 - As above

Psycho Phil - He's had a few bumps recently but he races hard

Shorty - Green but not mean, always neatly tucked in and always ready to snatch a few points

AB - Light and quick, watch him, he'll have the grid position in front of you quick as look at you

Skinny - Faaaaaast - say no more

Snake - As above- and clever too

Huugene - Compact and committed this dude will almost certainly just get faster and faster

Gaaaaarth - Huuugene's sidekick is fast straight out of the box (Which Box?)

The President - The Pres can ride, and he'll ride anything, anything as long as it's loud or fast or both

Termite - Mean green and ready to rock

Flapper - He hates to take it lying down but he's getting faster

Duds - Mature but corners like he's on rails

The Governor General - Getting faster by the meet

The Hoodlum - Occasional visitor, still looking for the right combination and when he does.....

Holmesboy - New, keen and making his way towards the front

The Pecker - Quick & tough

El Suzo - Who say a little Suzuki can't be ridden like it's stolen

Maarty - Evergreen and always keen